Saturday, January 3, 2009

cleaning out my closet

Now this is super embarrassing, but since this is something I've been doing during the Holiday break I decided to post it (plus the difference is amazing!). Now I'm not a slob, I'm usually extremely neat and tidy, but I really didn't have time to do much of anything during this last semester, including keeping my room very clean! All I did in my room was sleep because I was so busy with school, church, teaching piano, etc.

I hate living in a mess, so the first thing that I did when school was out was get to cleaning my room! I finally finished last night, and one of my new year's resolutions is to ALWAYS PUT THINGS WHERE THEY BELONG!!

Here's the BEFORE picture, it's disgusting, just to warn you! I got rid of so much, why keep it if I never use it!?

Here is the after picture, I can't believe that I lived with my closet such a mess for so long! BUT from now on, it's going to stay exceptionally clean!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good job Alex! I just did that with my own closet a few days ago! It has made a big difference. :)


  3. Oh it looks lovely!
