Thursday, January 15, 2009

whew... what a day!

This was one of those days that makes me grateful to know that all trials are to refine and make me over in God's image. I have been learning through several really hard lessons that it is not physically possible for me to do everything! I bit off way more than I could ever hope to chew this semester... and I have been feeling overwhelmed, and so discouraged! I am usually a happy, pleasant person, but I have been bawling my eyes out for the past week and feeling so depressed!

Today was just about the worst day ever! I woke up late, had to do a huge assignment, couldn't figure out how to do half the problems, was 15 minutes late for class, couldn't figure out the melodies to write in aural skills, had my first piano lesson this semester with my really strange teacher who made me feel like I couldn't play the piano at all, just about froze to death outside, had to carry my huge guitar around all day, and felt like bursting into tears all day long! I came home and had about 1/2 hour before I had to teach piano and I just burst into tears telling my mom everything that was going wrong in my life (thanks for listening mom :). I felt so much better after and we decided how I could lighten my load a little so I didn't feel so totally overloaded.

Through this I learned several important lessons...
1) you have to PUT GOD FIRST! When the first thing I do in the morning is pray and read my scriptures, my day goes a whole lot better!

2) I don't have to be the best at everything, or anything for that matter! I just need to be MY BEST... something totally different than being THE best.

3) carefully ANALYZE your schedule and and make sure it is feasible (16 credits, 16 piano students and 3 different instruments along with practicing isn't the most well thought out plan! ;)

4) when you are totally overwhelmed... pray to God for help and peace, and then GO AND DO something for someone else! Spending an afternoon teaching kids how to make music really helped me forget about my petty trials and think about someone else for a moment! Service is really the best medicine ever!


  1. Wow, what a day! I know the feeling of just wanting to CRY, and when you finally talk about it you can't help but end up in a puddle of tears.

    I will talk to you soon...

  2. I'm sorry you had a bad day.
    I'm so glad I know you. :)

  3. Hey girlie girl...remember that you have a HUGE fan base down south that think you are the matter what! XOXOX
