Monday, March 30, 2009

Last week for movie night, we watched a movie I've been wanting to watch for a VERY long time. While I wouldn't describe it as charming, really funny, or even as a very good family movie, I would recommend it to anyone who is able to deal with some rather disturbing information.

EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED is a documentary about evolution... how it came to be excepted and taught in schools, how much of an effect it has had on the world and our morals and how impossible evolution actually is. My favorite part of the whole movie is when Ben Stein asks a scientist how exactly everything started if there was no creator, and the man answers "well, one idea is that it started on the backs of crystals." Ben asks him a couple of other questions and he answers (with an English accent) "I ALREADY told you, it was on the backs of crystals!" Anyway, you would have to watch it to see how really funny it is!!

If you want to read more about this thought provoking movie go here. We watched it on Netflixs Instant Play, and so can you if you have Netflixs!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you enjoyed it!! That's more than I can say!
    Your great!!!
